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SMR Nuclear Technology Pty Ltd (SMR-NT) is an independent Australian-owned specialist consulting company.

SMR-NT was established to advise on and facilitate the siting, development and operation of safe nuclear power generation technologies, principally by Small Modular Reactors (SMRs).

SMR-NT’s directors have over 100 years of combined experience in power generation, including nearly 50 years of nuclear power generating experience.


JUNE 2024 – The Case for Microreactors in Australia 


JUNE 2024 – SMR-NT Technical Director Tony Irwin discusses with Ross Greenwood the history of nuclear in Australia and examines the advantages of a nuclear power program.


Sunday 23 June 2024 - Sky Business Weekend 

JUNE 2024 – SMR-NT releases its updated Coal-to-Nuclear report.

JUNE 2024 – This fact sheet examines the options for providing cooling water to nuclear power plants.

APRIL 2024 – The US Department of Energy has issued two useful guides for replacing retiring coal-fired power stations with nuclear power plants.

JANUARY 2024 – CSIRO has issued their GenCost 2023-24 draft report. SMR-NT is concerned that the Australian Governments, Federal and State, are not receiving the complete information needed to make an informed long-term view of options for electricity supply. Our submission recommends changes before CSIRO issue the final report.

NOVEMBER 2023 – SMR-NT comments on the termination of the UAMPS/NuScale Carbon Free Power Project

AUGUST 2023 -  A Just Transition to Low Emissions Technology – Repowering Coal-fired Power Stations Sites in Australia with SMRs

JUNE 2023 -  Opportunities for the Deployment of Small and Micro-reactors for Mines and Remote Communities in Australia – presentation at the 26th World Mining Congress Brisbane June 2023

FEBRUARY 2023 - SMR-NT submission to the CSIRO/AEMO GenCost 2022-23 consultation draft identified out of date figures used for SMR costs and provided appropriate figures.

JANUARY 2023 -  SMR-NT lodged a submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee inquiry into the Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill 2022.


NOVEMBER 2022 -  SMR-NT Technical Director Tony Irwin was one of the group of 15 experts that gave presentations and engaged in Q&A sessions at Federal Parliament on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November 2022.


Presentation 1 - Nuclear 101


Presentation 2 - The case for SMRs


Presentation 3 - The management of used fuel


Download the presentations

NOVEMBER 2022 - Infographics to provide policy makers and the Australian community with a better understanding of the long-term costs and sustainability of the different low emissions technologies for electricity generation (updated)

AUGUST 2022 - The board of SMR Nuclear Technology today congratulated the Federal Opposition led by Peter Dutton MP on its timely and farsighted decision to review the archaic policy that has stood in the way of Australia developing a key industry for its economic development and its energy security. The directors encouraged all political parties to contribute constructively to their own review of policy at this critical point in international affairs.

AUGUST 2022 - SMR-NT submission 79 to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee Climate Change Bill 2022, Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022 examined the inaccurate and misleading method used by CSIRO to estimate costs of SMRs.

AUGUST 2022 - SMR-NT was invited to take part in a Mamamia podcast on nuclear power

DECEMBER 2021 - University of Queensland, “What would be required for nuclear energy plants to be operating in Australia from the 2030s?”

AUGUST 2021 - The Case for SMRs in Australia 2021

MARCH 2021 - SMR Global Status Report

FEBRUARY 2021 - Inquiry into the development of a hydrogen industry in New South Wales – SMR-NT submission (S21) to the NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on State Development

2021 - New report from NuScale (USA) examines the benefits of re-powering retiring coal fired power stations with SMRs, including the transition of workers to similar positions

For all company publications and presentations, please go to the ‘Publications page'


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Roadmap for deployment of SMRs in Australia


SMR Nuclear Technology
Corporate Profile


All information on this website is provided in good faith by SMR-NT for general information only. Some of it is incomplete. Some of it is from third party sources and unverified. None of it is intended to provide a basis for any investment or other action by any party. SMR-NT will not be liable to any party for any error, omission, ambiguity or lack of completeness

© 2023 by SMR Nuclear Technology Pty Ltd

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